Course details

The course lasts from Monday 25 to Saturday 30 June 2012 at the University of Pavia.

4-hour classes will take place in the morning. In the afternoon, a selection of papers will be presented by the participants.

The school is open to advanced PhD students, Post-doc researchers, academics and scholars from institutions and central banks.

Participants will be selected according to their CV.

In order to apply, please send a copy of your CV to  by the 31st of March 2012. Applicants interested in presenting a paper are pleased to send the paper together with the application.
Participants will be notified by the 15th of April 2012.


Fees: The fee to attend the summer school amounts to 1200€. Few places are available to attend only one part of the course at the cost of 800€. Fees for PhD students, Post-doc researchers and academics are 700€ for the whole school. The fee covers accommodation and lunches. Travel costs are not covered and participants have to arrange travel themselves. Those not needing accommodation will be charged a fee of 450€. This discount applies only to PhD students, post-doc researchers and academics.

 A Prize will be awarded to the best paper presented at the School.

A social dinner will be offered by the Laser graduate school on Wednesday 27.


Detailed programme will be published soon

Primiceri syllabus